Confirm payment for services

contact information: If there are any concerns or queries regarding payment confirmation, users can easily reach our customer support team through the contact information provided on our website.

Please note: This payment confirmation process applies to services provided through our platform. It ensures that customers receive proper verification of their transactions and have a way to contact for any payment-related questions or queries.

The buying and selling process on our classifieds platform involves responsibilities for the buyer and seller. Here is a summary of these responsibilities:

Seller Responsibilities:

  1. Product or service description and warranty: The seller must provide an accurate and comprehensive description of the product or service provided. In addition, if there are any additional warranties or conditions, the seller must clearly state them.
  2. Prices and terms: The seller must clearly state the prices and terms, including shipping costs and any additional fees (if applicable).
  3. contact information: The seller must provide correct contact information to communicate with the buyer and address inquiries.
  4. Delivery process: The seller must explain the delivery process, including its cost and expected time of delivery.

Buyer's Responsibilities:

  1. Verify information: The buyer should carefully check the information provided by the seller and ensure its accuracy before making a purchase.
  2. paying off: The buyer is responsible for paying the purchase amount based on the prices and terms agreed upon with the seller.
  3. Receiving the product or service: Upon receipt of the product or service, the Buyer must inspect it and verify that it conforms to the description provided.
  4. communication: If there are any problems or questions, the Buyer should contact the Seller to resolve them.
  5. Evaluation: After the transaction is completed, the buyer can provide a rating to the seller on the platform to help other users.

The above responsibilities help ensure safe and efficient buying and selling processes on our classifieds platform and foster trust between sellers and buyers.