Delivery policy

We strive to ensure an excellent shopping experience for our website users and ensure smooth and easy deliveries between sellers and buyers. Please review our delivery policy for more details:

1. Delivery process:

  • The delivery process takes place between the seller and the buyer. It is the seller's responsibility to determine available delivery methods and costs.
  • It is recommended that communication takes place between the seller and the buyer to determine the delivery details, including the address, cost, and expected duration.

2. Shipping cost:

  • Shipping cost is determined based on transaction details and buyer and seller agreement on prices and shipping methods.

3. Expected time of delivery:

  • The expected time of delivery is determined between the seller and the buyer. The seller must clarify the expected period of delivery of the product or service.
  • It is advisable to take weather conditions and distance into account when determining the expected time.

4. Guarantees and insurance:

  • The seller and buyer are advised to consider the possibility of providing guarantees or insurances to protect their rights during the delivery process.

5. Possible delays:

  • It is emphasized that there are possible delays in deliveries that may result from unforeseen circumstances such as weather conditions or other factors beyond the control of the seller and buyer.

6. Compensation:

  • It is recommended that a compensation policy be discussed and agreed between the seller and the buyer in the event of problems during the delivery process.

7. Agreement on delivery terms:

  • It is recommended that the delivery terms are clearly documented between the seller and buyer before completing the transaction.